Learning to swim after suffering a brain injury has proved a significant milestone for Zarria Phillips, 62, from Bath.

With impaired mobility, memory and speech, Zarria joined Bath Sports and Leisure Centre’s Healthwise scheme in June 2023 following a medical referral by her GP.

The aim was to find an activity that would help her both physically and mentally, so she was introduced to the centre’s swim doctor, David Blake. Now, Zarria can swim a length of the teaching pool unaided.

“Swimming has increased my mobility and independence,” said Zarria. “My weekly sessions were completely out of my comfort zone and have been challenging, but I always feel so much better afterwards.

“Dave, my instructor, has given me the confidence to achieve small goals and is very patient and understanding. Those of us in the session are at different levels but he works with us all brilliantly.

“I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved so far and am determined to keep attending. It’s building up my stamina, improving my swimming technique and giving me a better quality of life.”

Operating under the Better brand, GLL is the charitable social enterprise that runs five leisure facilities across Bath and Keynsham on behalf of Bath and North East Somerset Council.

Medical professionals can refer patients to the Healthwise programme to help prevent, manage or improve a wide range of health conditions.

“When I met Zarria for her preliminary consultation, it was clear she needed an activity that would benefit her both physically and mentally,” said Paula Gooch, GLL’s Healthwise facilitator in Bath.

“She seems far more quietly confident now and is much more upright in stature. She’s also volunteering in a local charity shop which is something she wouldn’t have been able to do before.

“Her progress over the last year really is testament to the benefits of exercise, a great instructor and her own perseverance.”

For more information about the Healthwise programme, visit https://www.better.org.uk/leisure-centre/banes/bath-sports-and-leisure-centre/healthwise-bath-sports-and-leisure-centre