With the deadline fast approaching for enforcement of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), businesses across Cornwall were quick to book on a free seminar organised by Lang Bennetts Chartered Accountants and delivered by compliance experts, Roche-based Gydeline Ltd. So quick in fact that the original session at The Alverton Hotel in Truro was almost immediately booked to capacity and a second event the same morning had to be held for the overspill.

Gydeline director Mike Saville gave the talk, pointing out that GDPR became law in 2016 and that 25 May 2018 was the day when that law would be enforced. From then on, according to Elizabeth Denham, the Information Commissioner, businesses would be expected to demonstrate that they had the right data protection systems in place and that good data protection should be considered a cornerstone of every business’s policy and practices.

Among the topics covered in the seminars were privacy notices, data subject rights, organisational and technical processes and immediate actions that needed to be taken.

“Mike made it clear that trying to bury your head in the sand when it comes to GDPR is just not an option and that every business holding personal data must become compliant,” said Lang Bennetts partner Jonathan Mashen. “He gave us some very useful information and there were lots of questions from those attending.

“The last Data Protection Act was in 1998 and there have clearly been huge technological advances since then that have made us all vulnerable to personal data breaches. Once enforced at the end of May, the new law will help protect individuals and, even though getting prepared requires time and effort on the part of businesses now, it will ultimately be to everyone’s benefit.

“As accountants, we wanted to ensure our clients had the opportunity to get first hand advice from the experts and we’re delighted with the response to Gydeline’s excellent presentations.”

For advice and guidance on GDPR, visit www.gydeline.com